Winnie The Pooh

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 Winnie The Pooh

Carton For All - Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear, is an anthropomorphic teddy bear (Species Bear Male Species) character created by British writer A. A. Milne. The first collection of stories about characters is Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included poems about bears in children's verse books When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). The four volumes are illustrated by E. H. Shepard. Pooh's stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, the only Latin book ever featured on the list of The New York Best Sellers The Times. . [1] Hyphens in character names dropped by Disney when the company adapted Pooh's story into a series of features that became one of the most successful franchises. In the popular film adaptation, Pooh Bear has been voiced by actors Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith, and Jim Cummings in English, and Yevgeny Leonov in Russian.

 Winnie The Pooh

Winnie-the-Pooh, juga disebut Pooh Bear, adalah karakter boneka teddy (Spesies Beruang Laki-laki) antropomorfik yang dibuat oleh penulis Inggris A. A. Milne.

Kumpulan pertama cerita tentang karakter adalah buku Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), dan ini diikuti oleh The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne juga memasukkan puisi tentang beruang di buku ayat anak-anak Ketika We Were Very Young (1924) dan banyak lagi di Now We Are Six (1927). Keempat volume diilustrasikan oleh E. H. Shepard.

Kisah-kisah Pooh telah diterjemahkan ke banyak bahasa, termasuk terjemahan Latin Alexander Lenard, Winnie ille Pu, yang pertama kali diterbitkan pada tahun 1958, dan, pada tahun 1960, menjadi satu-satunya buku Latin yang pernah ditampilkan dalam daftar Penjual Terbaik The New York Times. . [1]

Tanda hubung dalam nama karakter dijatuhkan oleh Disney ketika perusahaan mengadaptasi cerita Pooh menjadi serangkaian fitur yang menjadi salah satu waralaba yang paling sukses.

Dalam adaptasi film populer, Pooh Bear telah disuarakan oleh aktor Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith, dan Jim Cummings dalam bahasa Inggris, dan Yevgeny Leonov dalam bahasa Rusia.

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